

  int __Win87EmSave(pWin87EmSaveArea, cbWin87EmSaveArea)    
  void far *pWin87EmSaveArea; /* buffer to receive state */
  int cbWin87EmSaveArea; /* size, in bytes, of buffer */

The __Win87EmSave function saves the current states of the floating-point coprocessor (if one is present) and the floating-point emulator, copying the states to the buffer pointed to by pWin87EmSaveArea.

An application that calls __Win87EmSave should call the __Win87EmRestore function before carrying out any floating-point operations.



Points to the Win87EmSaveArea structure that is to receive the state of the floating-point emulator.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure to receive the emulator state.

Return Value

This function returns zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it returns a nonzero value.


An application can find out the size, in bytes, of the buffer needed to save the floating-point states by using the __Win87EmInfo function to retrieve the Win87EmInfoStruct structure. The SizeSaveArea member of this structure specifies the size of the buffer.

See Also

__Win87EmInfo, __Win87EmRestore