
typedef struct tagOUTLINETEXTMETRIC {
    UINT        otmSize;
    TEXTMETRIC  otmTextMetrics;
    BYTE        otmFiller;
    PANOSE      otmPanoseNumber;
    UINT        otmfsSelection;
    UINT        otmfsType;
    UINT        otmsCharSlopeRise;
    UINT        otmsCharSlopeRun;
    UINT        otmItalicAngle;
    UINT        otmEMSquare;
    INT         otmAscent;
    INT         otmDescent;
    UINT        otmLineGap;
    UINT        otmsXHeight;
    UINT        otmsCapEmHeight;
    RECT        otmrcFontBox;
    INT         otmMacAscent;
    INT         otmMacDescent;
    UINT        otmMacLineGap;
    UINT        otmusMinimumPPEM;
    POINT       otmptSubscriptSize;
    POINT       otmptSubscriptOffset;
    POINT       otmptSuperscriptSize;
    POINT       otmptSuperscriptOffset;
    UINT        otmsStrikeoutSize;
    INT         otmsStrikeoutPosition;
    INT         otmsUnderscorePosition;
    UINT        otmsUnderscoreSize;
    PSTR        otmpFamilyName;
    PSTR        otmpFaceName;
    PSTR        otmpStyleName;
    PSTR        otmpFullName;

The OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure contains metrics describing a TrueType font.



Specifies the size, in bytes, of the OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure.


Specifies a TEXTMETRIC structure containing further information about the font.


Specifies a value that causes the structure to be byte-aligned.


Specifies the Panose number for this font.


Specifies the nature of the font pattern. This member can be a combination of the following bits:

Bit Meaning

0 Italic
1 Underscore
2 Negative
3 Outline
4 Strikeout
5 Bold


Specifies whether the font is licensed. Licensed fonts may not be modified or exchanged. If bit 1 is set, the font may not be embedded in a document. If bit 1 is clear, the font can be embedded. If bit 2 is set, the embedding is read-only.


Specifies the slope of the cursor. This value is 1 if the slope is vertical. Applications can use this value and the value of the otmsCharSlopeRun member to create an italic cursor that has the same slope as the main italic angle (specified by the otmItalicAngle member).


Specifies the slope of the cursor. This value is zero if the slope is vertical. Applications can use this value and the value of the otmsCharSlopeRise member to create an italic cursor that has the same slope as the main italic angle (specified by the otmItalicAngle member).


Specifies the main italic angle of the font, in counterclockwise degrees from vertical. Regular (roman) fonts have a value of zero. Italic fonts typically have a negative italic angle (that is, they lean to the right).


Specifies the number of logical units defining the x- or y-dimension of the em square for this font. (The number of units in the x- and y-directions are always the same for an em square.)


Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend above the base line. This is the typographic ascent for the font.


Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend below the base line. This is the typographic descent for the font.


Specifies typographic line spacing.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Specifies the bounding box for the font.


Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend above the base line for the Macintosh.


Specifies the maximum distance characters in this font extend below the base line for the Macintosh.


Specifies line-spacing information for the Macintosh.


Specifies the smallest recommended size for this font, in pixels per em-square.


Specifies the recommended horizontal and vertical size for subscripts in this font.


Specifies the recommended horizontal and vertical offset for subscripts in this font. The subscript offset is measured from the character origin to the origin of the subscript character.


Specifies the recommended horizontal and vertical size for superscripts in this font.


Specifies the recommended horizontal and vertical offset for superscripts in this font. The subscript offset is measured from the character base line to the base line of the superscript character.


Specifies the width of the strikeout stroke for this font. Typically, this is the width of the em-dash for the font.


Specifies the position of the strikeout stroke relative to the base line for this font. Positive values are above the base line and negative values are below.


Specifies the position of the underscore character for this font.


Specifies the thickness of the underscore character for this font.


Specifies the offset from the beginning of the structure to a string specifying the family name for the font.


Specifies the offset from the beginning of the structure to a string specifying the face name for the font. (This face name corresponds to the name specified in the LOGFONT structure.)


Specifies the offset from the beginning of the structure to a string specifying the style name for the font.


Specifies the offset from the beginning of the structure to a string specifying the full name for the font. This name is unique for the font and often contains a version number or other identifying information.


The sizes returned in OUTLINETEXTMETRIC are given in logical units; that is, they depend on the current mapping mode of the specified display context.

See Also
