Organization of This Manual

Following are brief descriptions of the chapters and appendixes in this manual:

Chapter 1, “Creating and Editing Resources,” introduces three tools you can use to create and edit resources for Windows applications. These tools are Microsoft Image Editor (IMAGEDIT.EXE), Microsoft Dialog Editor (DLGEDIT.EXE), and Microsoft Windows Font Editor (FONTEDIT.EXE).

Chapter 2, “Compiling Resources: Resource Compiler,” describes how to use Microsoft Windows Resource Compiler (RC) to compile application resources and add them to an executable Windows application.

Chapter 3, “Creating Help Files,” describes how to use Microsoft Help Compiler, Microsoft Multiple Resolution Bitmap Compiler, and Microsoft Hotspot Editor to develop help files.

Chapter 4, “Debugging: CodeView for Windows,” explains how to use Microsoft CodeViewÒ for Windows (CVW) to test the execution of your Windows applications and examine your data simultaneously.

Chapter 5, “Advanced Debugging: 80386 Debugger,” shows how to use Microsoft Windows 80386 Debugger (WDEB386.EXE) to test and debug Windows applications and dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).

Chapter 6, “Analyzing System Failures: Dr. Watson,” discusses how to use Microsoft Windows Dr. Watson (DRWATSON.EXE) to detect and analyze failures caused by Windows applications.

Chapter 7, “Monitoring Messages: Spy,” shows how to use Microsoft Windows Spy (SPY.EXE) to monitor messages sent to one or more windows in your Windows application.

Chapter 8, “Monitoring Dynamic Data Exchange Activity: DDESpy,” explains how to use Microsoft Windows DDESpy (DDESPY.EXE) to monitor dynamic data exchange (DDE) activity in the Windows operating system.

Chapter 9, “Viewing the Heap: Heap Walker,” shows how to use Microsoft Windows Heap Walker (HEAPWALK.EXE) to examine local and global heaps used by applications and DLLs in the Windows operating system.

Chapter 10, “Analyzing Performance: Profiler,” explains how to use Microsoft Windows Profiler to analyze and optimize the performance of applications running with the Windows operating system in 386 enhanced mode.

Chapter 11, “Compressing and Decompressing Files,” discusses how to use Microsoft File Compression Utility (COMPRESS.EXE) and Microsoft File Expansion Utility (EXPAND.EXE) to compress and decompress files.

Appendix A, “Resource Compiler Diagnostic Messages,” describes diagnostic messages produced by Microsoft Resource Compiler (RC).

Appendix B, “Help Compiler Error Messages,” lists error messages that Help Compiler can display if errors occur while you are building a help file.

Appendix C, “Windows Debugging Version,” presents information about Windows diagnostic messages to help you debug applications you develop for the Windows operating system.