Under Messages, you can select any of the following message types you want Spy to monitor:
Message | Description |
Mouse | Mouse messages, such as WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_SETCURSOR |
Input | Input messages, such as WM_CHAR and WM_COMMAND |
System | Systemwide messages, such as WM_ENDSESSION and WM_TIMECHANGE |
Window | Window manager messages, such as WM_SIZE and WM_SHOWWINDOW |
Init | Initialization messages, such as WM_INITMENU and WM_INITDIALOG |
Clipboard | Clipboard messages, such as WM_RENDERFORMAT |
Other | Messages other than the types explicitly listed |
DDE | Dynamic data exchange (DDE) messages, such as WM_DDE_REQUEST |
Non Client | Windows nonclient messages, such as WM_NCDESTROY and WM_NCHITTEST |
By default, Spy monitors all messages.