B.3 File Errors

The following messages result from problems with files used to build a help file. A description is given for messages that are not self-explanatory.

Number File error message

1019 Project file extension cannot be .HLP or .PH.
1030 File name exceeds limit of 259 characters.
  The combined length of the path and filename must not be more than the MS-DOS limit of 259 characters.
1079 Out of file handles.
  The compiler does not have enough available file handles to continue. If possible, increase the FILES setting in the CONFIG.SYS file.
1100 Cannot open file filename: permission denied.
  Requested files must have at least read privilege to be opened.
1150 Cannot overwrite file filename.
  Files with the read-only attribute cannot be overwritten.
1170 File filename is a directory.
  A directory in the project directory has the same name as the requested help file.
1190 Cannot use reserved DOS file name filename.
  Do not use reserved MS-DOS filenames, such as COM1, LPT2, or PRN, when specifying topic or other data files.
1230 File filename not found.
  The specified file could not be found or is unreadable.
1292 File filename is not a valid bitmap.
  The specified bitmap file could not be found or is not in a recognizable bitmap format.
1319 Disk full.
1513 Bitmap name filename duplicated.
  The [BITMAPS] section contains duplicate bitmap names. The compiler uses the first occurrence of the name.
1536 Not enough memory to compress bitmap filename.
  The specified bitmaps cannot be compressed due to insufficient memory.