B.4 Project-File Errors

The following messages result from errors in the Help project file (with the .HPJ filename extension) used to build a help file. A description is given for messages that are not self-explanatory.

Number Project-file error message

2010 Include statements nested more than 5 deep.
  The #include statement on the specified line has exceeded the maximum of five include levels.
2030 Comment starting at line linenumber of file filename unclosed at end of file.
  The compiler has unexpectedly come to the end of the project file. There may be an open comment in the project file or in an include file.
2050 Invalid #include syntax.
  The #include statement requires a filename.
2091 Bracket missing from section heading [sectionname].
2111 Section heading missing.
  The section heading on the specified line is not complete. This error is also reported if the first entry in the project file is not a section heading.
2131 Invalid OPTIONS syntax: 'option=value' expected.
2141 Invalid ALIAS syntax: 'context=context' expected.
2151 Incomplete line in [sectionname] section
2171 Unrecognized text.
2191 Section heading [sectionname] unrecognized.
2214 Line in .HPJ file exceeds length limit of 2047 characters.
2273 [OPTIONS] should precede [FILES] and [BITMAPS] for all options to take effect.
  The [OPTIONS] section should be the first section in the project file. Also, if the ERRORLOG option is used, that option should be the first line in the [OPTIONS] section.
2291 Section sectionname previously defined.
  The compiler ignores the lines under the duplicated section and continues from the next valid section heading.
2305 No valid files in [FILES] section.
  The file section is empty or contains only invalid files.
2322 Context string context_name cannot be used as alias string.
  A context string that has been assigned an alias cannot be used later as an alias for another context string. That is, you cannot map a=b and then c=a in the [ALIAS] section. The compiler ignores the attempted reassignment.
2331 Context number already used in [MAP] section.
  The context number on the specified line in the project file was previously mapped to a different context string.
2341 Invalid or missing context string.
  The specified line is missing a context string before an equal sign.
2351 Invalid context identification number.
  The context number on the specified line is empty or contains invalid characters.
2362 Context string context_name already assigned an alias.
  A context string can have only one alias. That is, you cannot map a=b and then a=c in the [ALIAS] section. The specified context string has already been assigned an alias in the [ALIAS] section. The compiler ignores the attempted reassignment.
2372 Alias string aliasname already assigned.
  You cannot alias an alias. That is, an alias string cannot, in turn, be assigned another alias. You cannot map a=b and then b=c in the [ALIAS] section. The compiler ignores the attempted reassignment.
2391 Limit of 6 window definitions exceeded.
  The maximum number of window definitions is one main-window definition and five secondary-window definitions.
2401 Window maximization state must be 0 or 1.
  The sizing parameter in a window definition must be either zero or 1.
2411 Invalid syntax in window color.
  A window color in a window definition consists of three decimal numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
2421 Invalid window position.
  The window position in a window definition consists of four decimal numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.
2431 Missing quote in window caption.
  The window caption in a window definition must be enclosed in quotation marks.
2441 Window name windowname is too long.
  The window name exceeds the maximum length of 8 characters.
2451 Window position value out of range 0 . . . 1023.
  One or more of the window-position coordinates exceed the maximum limit of 1023.
2461 Window name missing.
  A window definition in the project file is missing the window name.
2471 Invalid syntax in [WINDOWS] section.
2481 Secondary-window position required.
  A window definition for a secondary window must specify the four window-position parameters.
2491 Duplicate window name windowname.
  Window names must be unique.
2501 Window caption windowcaption exceeds limit of 50 characters.
2511 Unrecognized option optionname in [OPTIONS] section.
2532 Option optionname previously defined.
  The compiler ignores the attempted redefinition.
2550 Invalid path pathname in optionname option.
  The compiler cannot find the path specified by the ROOT or BMROOT option. The compiler uses the current working directory.
2570 Path in optionname option exceeds number of characters.
  The specified root path exceeds the maximum limit for MS-DOS. The compiler ignores the path and uses the current working directory.
2591 Invalid MAPFONTSIZE option.
  The font range syntax used is invalid. A font range consists of a low and high point size, separated by a hyphen (-).
2612 Maximum of 5 font ranges exceeded.
  The compiler ignores additional ranges.
2632 Current font range overlaps previously defined range.
  The compiler ignores the second mapping.
2651 Font name exceeds limit of 20 characters.
2672 Unrecognized font name fontname in FORCEFONT option.
  The compiler ignores the font name and uses the default Helvetica font.
2691 Invalid MULTIKEY syntax.
  The MULTIKEY option must specify a single capital letter other than the letter K.
2711 Maximum of 5 keyword tables exceeded.
  The compiler ignores the additional tables.
2732 Character already used.
  A character used for indicating the keyword table was previously used. The compiler ignores the line.
2752 Characters 'K' and 'k' cannot be used.
  These characters are reserved for Help's standard keyword table.
2771 REPORT option must be 'ON' or 'OFF'.
2811 OLDKEYPHRASE option must be 'ON' or 'OFF'.
2832 COMPRESS option must be 'OFF', 'MEDIUM' or 'HIGH'.
2842 OPTCDROM option must be 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
2852 Invalid TITLE option.
  The TITLE option defines a string that is empty or contains more than 32 characters.
2872 Invalid LANGUAGE option.
  You have specified an ordering that is not supported by the compiler. The compiler uses English sorting order.
2893 Warning option must be 1, 2, or 3.
  The compiler uses full reporting (level 3).
2911 Invalid icon file filename.
  The compiler cannot find the icon file specified in the ICON option, or the file is not a valid icon file.
2932 Copyright string exceeds limit of 50 characters.
  The maximum length of the copyright string in the About box is limited to 50 characters.
3011 Maximum of 32 build tags exceeded.
  The compiler ignores the additional tags.
3031 Build tag length exceeds 32 characters.
  The compiler ignores the build tag.
3051 Build tag tagname contains invalid characters.
  Build tags can contain only alphanumeric characters or the underscore (_) character.
3076 [BUILDTAGS] section missing.
  The BUILD option declared a conditional build, but there is no [BUILDTAGS] section in the project file. The compiler includes all topics in the build.
3096 Build expression too complex.
  The build expression has too many expressions (“~”, “|”, or “&”) or is too deeply nested.
3116 Invalid build expression.
  The syntax used in the build expression on the specified line contains one or more logical or syntax errors.
3133 Duplicate build tag in [BUILDTAGS] section.
3152 Build tag tagname not defined in [BUILDTAGS] section.
  The specified build tag has been assigned to a topic but not declared in the project file. The compiler ignores the tag for the topic.
3178 Build expression missing from project file.
  The topics have build tags, but there is no build expression in the project file. The compiler includes all topics in the build.