B.6 Context-String Errors

The following messages are caused by problems with context-string footnotes or context strings specified in jumps or in Help project-file options. A description is given for messages that are not self-explanatory.

Number Context-string error messages

4011 Context string contextname already used.
  The specified context string was previously assigned to another topic. The compiler ignores the latter string and the topic has no identifier.
4031 Invalid context string contextname.
  The context string footnote contains non-alphanumeric characters or is empty. The compiler does not assign the topic an identifier.
4056 Unresolved context string specified in CONTENTS option.
  The Contents topic defined in the project file could not be found. The compiler uses the first topic in the build as the Contents topic.
4072 Context string exceeds limit of 255 characters.
  The compiler ignores the context string.
4098 Context string(s) in [MAP] section not defined in any topic.
  The compiler cannot find a context string listed in the [MAP] section in any of the topics in the build.
4113 Unresolved jump or popup contextname.
  The specified topic contains a context string that identifies a nonexistent topic.
4131 Hash conflict between contextname and contextname.
  The hash algorithm has generated the same hash value for both of the listed context strings. Change one of the context strings and recompile.
4151 Invalid secondary window name windowname.
  The window name for the secondary window is “main” or another disallowed member name.
4171 Cannot use secondary window with popup.
  The hidden text defining the pop-up identifier contains a secondary-window name.
4196 Jumps and lookups not verified.
  Due to low memory conditions, the build continues without verifying the validity of jumps and popups. (The reference to “lookups” in the error message is incorrect.)
4211 Footnote text exceeds limit of 1023 characters.
  Footnote text cannot exceed the limit of 1,023 characters. The compiler ignores the footnote.
4231 Footnote text missing.
  The specified topic contains a footnote that has no characters.
4251 Browse sequence not in first paragraph.
  The browse-sequence footnote is not in the first paragraph of the topic. The compiler ignores the browse sequence.
4272 Empty browse sequence string.
  The browse-sequence footnote for the specified topic contains no sequence characters.
4292 Missing sequence number.
  A browse-sequence number ends in a colon (:) for the specified topic. Remove the colon or enter a “minor” sequence number and then recompile.
4312 Browse sequence already defined.
  A browse-sequence footnote already exists for the specified topic. The compiler ignores the latter sequence.
4331 Title not in first paragraph.
  The title footnote ($) is not in the first paragraph of the topic. The topic will not have a topic title string.
4352 Empty title string.
  The title footnote for the specified topic contains no characters. The compiler does not assign the topic a title.
4372 Title defined more than once.
  There is more than one title footnote in the specified topic. The compiler uses the first title string.
4393 Title exceeds limit of 128 characters.
  The compiler ignores the additional characters.
4412 Keyword string exceeds limit of 255 characters.
4433 Empty keyword string.
  There are no characters in the keyword footnote.
4452 Keyword(s) defined without title.
  The topic has a keyword assigned to it, but no title.
4471 Build tag footnote not at beginning of topic.
  The build-tag footnote marker, if used, must be the first character in the topic.
4492 Build tag exceeds limit of 32 characters.
  The compiler ignores the tag for the topic.
4551 Entry macro not in first paragraph.
  The ! footnote (for executing a macro) is not in the first paragraph of the topic. The compiler ignores the macro.