C.2.1 WIN.INI Debugging Options

Applications use the GetWinDebugInfo and SetWinDebugInfo functions to retrieve or set debugging options or filter values at run time. To control the same options and filter values in a system-wide, persistent manner, you can use two entries in the [WINDOWS] section of the WIN.INI file. These entries are DebugOptions and DebugFilter. They have the following form:

DebugOptions = hexadecimal value
DebugFilter = hexadecimal value

The setting for the DebugOptions entry corresponds to the values for the
member of the WINDEBUGINFO structure. The setting for the
entry corresponds to the values for the dwFilter member of
. To determine the proper hexadecimal value for a setting, add the values of the options to be set. For example, to specify DBO_CHECKHEAP and DBO_FREEFILL, the setting for the DebugOptions entry would be 0x0021 (0x0001 + 0x0020). For information about the possible values for these options and a full description of the WINDEBUGINFO structure, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.