C.3 Debugging Messages

The following table gives the possible error values in a Windows debugging message. For a list that includes the strings that are associated with these error values, see the “Debugging Messages” topic in the online reference.

Value Constant Meaning

0x0001 ERR_GALLOC GlobalAlloc failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0002 ERR_GREALLOC GlobalReAlloc failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0003 ERR_GLOCK GlobalLock failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0004 ERR_LALLOC LocalAlloc failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0005 ERR_LREALLOC LocalReAlloc failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0006 ERR_LLOCK LocalLock failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0007 ERR_ALLOCRES AllocResource failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0008 ERR_LOCKRES LockResource failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0009 ERR_LOADMODULE LoadModule failed. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x0040 ERR_CREATEDLG Dialog box could not be created because LoadMenu failed. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0041 ERR_CREATEDLG2 Dialog box could not be created because CreateWindow failed. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0042 ERR_REGISTERCLASS RegisterClass failed because the class is already registered. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0043 ERR_DCBUSY Device-context cache is full. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0044 ERR_CREATEWND Window could not be created because the class was not found. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0045 ERR_STRUCEXTRA Program is using unallocated space. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0046 ERR_LOADSTR LoadString failed. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0047 ERR_LOADMENU LoadMenu failed. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0048 ERR_NESTEDBEGINPAINT Program contains nested BeginPaint functions. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0049 ERR_BADINDEX Index to GetClassLong, GetClassWord, GetWindowLong, GetWindowWord, SetClassLong, SetClassWord, SetWindowLong, or SetWindowWord is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x004A ERR_CREATEMENU Menu could not be created. This error value is sent by USER.
0x0080 ERR_CREATEDC CreateCompatibleDC, CreateDC, or CreateIC failed. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x0081 ERR_CREATEMETA CreateMetaFile failed. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x0082 ERR_DELOBJSELECTED Program is trying to delete a bitmap that is selected into the device context. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x0083 ERR_SELBITMAP Program is trying to select a bitmap that is already selected. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6001 ERR_BAD_VALUE A 16-bit signed or unsigned value is invalid.
0x6002 ERR_BAD_FLAGS One or more bit flags are invalid.
0x6003 ERR_BAD_INDEX Index is invalid or out of range.
0x6009 ERR_BAD_SELECTOR Selector is invalid.
0x600B ERR_BAD_HANDLE Generic handle is invalid.
0x6020 ERR_BAD_HINSTANCE Instance handle is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6021 ERR_BAD_HMODULE Module handle is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6022 ERR_BAD_GLOBAL_HANDLE Global handle is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6023 ERR_BAD_LOCAL_HANDLE Local handle is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6024 ERR_BAD_ATOM Atom is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6025 ERR_BAD_HFILE File handle is invalid. This error value is sent by KERNEL.
0x6040 ERR_BAD_HWND Window handle is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6041 ERR_BAD_HMENU Menu handle is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6042 ERR_BAD_HCURSOR Cursor handle is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6043 ERR_BAD_HICON Icon handle is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6044 ERR_BAD_HDWP Handle to a window-position structure is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6045 ERR_BAD_CID Communications identifier (CID) is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6046 ERR_BAD_HDRVR Installable-driver handle is invalid. This error value is sent by USER.
0x6061 ERR_BAD_GDI_OBJECT GDI object is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6062 ERR_BAD_HDC Device-context handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6063 ERR_BAD_HPEN Pen handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6064 ERR_BAD_HFONT Font handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6065 ERR_BAD_HBRUSH Brush handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6066 ERR_BAD_HBITMAP Bitmap handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6067 ERR_BAD_HRGN Region handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6068 ERR_BAD_HPALETTE Palette handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x6069 ERR_BAD_HMETAFILE Metafile handle is invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.
0x7004 ERR_BAD_DVALUE A 32-bit signed or unsigned value is invalid.
0x7005 ERR_BAD_DFLAGS One or more 32-bit flags are invalid.
0x7006 ERR_BAD_DINDEX A 32-bit index is invalid or out of range.
0x7007 ERR_BAD_PTR Pointer is invalid.
0x7008 ERR_BAD_FUNC_PTR Function pointer is invalid.
0x700A ERR_BAD_STRING_PTR Zero-terminated string pointer is invalid.
0x7060 ERR_BAD_COORDS X- and y-coordinates are invalid. This error value is sent by GDI.

The following error values may have been combined with other values in the preceding table to identify the type of error:

Value Constant Meaning

0x4000 ERR_PARAM Parameter is invalid. This flag is always set for parameter-validation error messages.
0x8000 ERR_WARNING Nonfatal error occurred. An invalid parameter was detected, but the error was not serious enough to cause the function to fail. The invalid parameter is reported, but the function executes as usual.

To determine the size of an invalid parameter, you can combine ERR_SIZE_MASK (0x3000) with other error values by using the AND operator. The following table gives the possible results of this operation:

Value Constant Meaning

0x1000 ERR_BYTE An 8-bit parameter is invalid.
0x2000 ERR_WORD A 16-bit parameter is invalid.
0x3000 ERR_DWORD A 32-bit parameter is invalid.