5.5 Common Commands

This section documents the commands available in all environments in which you can use 80386 Debugger. A command that begins with a period (.) is called a dot command.

Command Description

? Display expression, or display help menu.
.? Display external commands.
.b Set baud rate for COM port.
.df Display global free list.
.dg Display global heap.
.dh Display local heap.
.dm Display global module list.
.dq Dump task queues.
.du Display list of least recently used (LRU) global memory objects.
.reboot Restart target system.
bc Clear breakpoint.
bd Disable breakpoint.
be Enable breakpoint.
bl List breakpoints.
bp Set breakpoint.
br Set breakpoint on debug register.
c Compare memory locations.
d Display memory.
db Display bytes.
dd Display doublewords.
dg Display global descriptor table (GDT).
di Display interrupt descriptor table (IDT).
dl Display local descriptor table (LDT).
dp Display page directory and page tables.
dt Display task state segment (TSS).
dw Display words.
dx Dump loadall buffer.
e Enter byte.
f Fill memory.
g Go.
h Perform hexadecimal arithmetic.
i Display 1 byte of input.
j Conditionally execute command.
k Display current stack frame.
ka Set backtrace argument.
kt Display stack frame of task.
la List absolute symbols.
lg List groups.
lm List maps.
ln List nearest symbol.
ls List symbols.
m Move memory.
o Write output to a port.
p Execute instruction, returning from any call or interrupt.
r Display register.
s Search for a byte.
t Execute instruction.
u Disassemble bytes.
v Display debugger version.
vc Clear interrupt vector.
vl List debugger interrupt vectors.
vo List debugger interrupt vectors in specified format.
vs Add debugger interrupt vector (not at ring 0).
vt Add debugger interrupt vector.
w Change active map list.
wa Add map to active list.
wr Remove map from active list.
y Change debugger configuration.
z Zap embedded int 1 or int 3 instruction.
zd Execute default command string.
zl Display default command string.
zs Change default command string.