3.1 Module-Management Functions

Module-management functions alter and retrieve information about Windows modules, which are loadable, executable units of code and data. Following are the module-management functions:

Function Description

FreeLibrary Decreases the reference count of a library by one, and removes it from memory if the reference count is zero.
FreeModule Decreases the reference count of a module by one, and removes it from memory if the reference count is zero.
FreeProcInstance Removes a function-instance entry at an address.
GetCodeHandle Determines which code segment contains a specified function.
GetInstanceData Copies data from an offset in one instance to an offset in another instance.
GetModuleFileName Copies a module filename.
GetModuleHandle Returns the handle of a specified module.
GetModuleUsage Returns the reference count of a module.
GetProcAddress Returns the address of a function in a module.
GetVersion Returns the current version number of Windows.
LoadLibrary Loads a library module.
MakeProcInstance Returns a function-instance address.