21.1.3 Exported Far Functions in a Dynamic-Link Library

Exported far functions in DLLs also require a prolog. The prolog code in a DLL must generate a reference to the DGROUP data segment. The SS register can-not be used because execution occurs on the calling function's stack. Exported far functions cannot use this method because fixups to DGROUP are illegal for a multiple instance application.

The prolog and epilog for exported far functions in a DLL has the following form:

mov     ax, DGROUP      ; get DGROUP value

push    bp              ; set up stack frame (optional)
mov     bp, sp

push    ds              ; save calling function's DS
mov     ds, ax          ; move DGROUP to DS


pop     ds              ; restore registers
pop     bp


Following is an alternative form of the prolog for exported far functions in a DLL:

mov     ax, DGROUP      ; get DGROUP value

push    bp              ; set up stack frame (optional)
mov     bp, sp

push    ds              ; save calling function's DS
mov     ds, ax          ; move DGROUP to DS

sub     sp, const       ; allocate local storage (optional)


mov     ds, [bp-2]      ; restore registers


Windows inserts the current data segment address as the second operand (DGROUP) of the initial mov instruction.