1.1.6 Message Functions

Message functions read and process Windows messages in an application's message queue. Following are the message functions:

Function Description

CallWindowProc Passes message information to the specified window procedure.
DispatchMessage Passes a message to the window procedure of the specified window.
GetMessage Retrieves a message from an application's message queue.
GetMessageExtraInfo Retrieves information about a hardware message.
GetMessagePos Returns the position of the mouse at the time the last message was retrieved from the calling application's message queue.
GetMessageTime Returns the time at which the last message was retrieved from the calling application's message queue.
GetQueueStatus Returns a value that identifies the types of messages, if any, that are in the application's message queue.
hardware_event Places a hardware message in the system queue.
InSendMessage Finds out whether the current window procedure is processing a message that was sent as a result of another application calling the SendMessage function.
PeekMessage Checks an application's message queue and returns one message from the specified range of messages, if any such messages are in the queue.
PostAppMessage Places a message in an application's message queue.
PostMessage Places a message in the message queue of the application associated with a specified window.
PostQuitMessage Posts a WM_QUIT message to the calling application.
ReplyMessage Replies to a message sent from a different task without returning control to the task.
SendMessage Sends a message to a window or windows.
SetMessageQueue Creates a new message queue of a different size.
TranslateAccelerator Processes accelerator keys for menu commands.
TranslateMDISysAccel Processes accelerator keystrokes for a multiple document interface (MDI) child window.
TranslateMessage Translates virtual-keystroke messages into character messages.
WaitMessage Yields control to other applications.
WinMain Serves as an entry point for execution of a Windows application.

For detailed information about the message functions, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 2.