3.7 String-Manipulation Functions

String-manipulation functions translate strings from one character set to another, determine and convert the case of strings, determine whether a character is alphabetic or alphanumeric, find adjacent characters in a string, and perform other string manipulations. Following are the string-manipulation functions:

Function Description

AnsiLower Converts a character string to lowercase.
AnsiLowerBuff Converts a character string in a buffer to lowercase.
AnsiNext Returns a long pointer to the next character in a string.
AnsiPrev Returns a long pointer to the previous character in a string.
AnsiToOem Converts a Windows character string to an OEM character string.
AnsiToOemBuff Converts a Windows character string in a buffer to an OEM character string.
AnsiUpper Converts a character string to uppercase.
AnsiUpperBuff Converts a character string in a buffer to uppercase.
IsCharAlpha Determines whether a character is alphabetic.
IsCharAlphaNumeric Determines whether a character is alphanumeric.
IsCharLower Determines whether a character is lowercase.
IsCharUpper Determines whether a character is uppercase.
lsDBCSLeadByte Determines whether a character is a double-byte character set (DBCS) lead byte.
lstrcat Concatenates two strings identified by long pointers.
lstrcmp Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings identified by long pointers.
lstrcmpi Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings identified by long pointers.
lstrcpy Copies one string to another. Both strings are identified by long pointers.
lstrlen Determines the length of a string identified by a long pointer.
OemToAnsi Converts an OEM character string to a Windows character string.
OemToAnsiBuff Converts an OEM character string in a buffer to a Windows character string.
ToAscii Translates a virtual-key code to the corresponding Windows character or characters.
wsprintf Formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer. Format arguments are passed separately.
wvsprintf Formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer. Format arguments are passed through an array.