1.6.14 Painting Functions

Painting functions prepare a window for painting and carry out some useful general-purpose graphics operations. Although all the paint functions are specifically intended for the system display, some can be used for other output devices. Following are the painting functions:

Function Description

BeginPaint Prepares a window for painting.
DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the style used to indicate focus.
DrawIcon Draws an icon.
DrawText Draws characters of a specified string.
EndPaint Marks the end of window repainting.
ExcludeUpdateRgn Prevents drawing within invalid areas of a window.
FillRect Fills a given rectangle by using the specified brush.
FrameRect Draws a border for the given rectangle.
GetDC Retrieves the display context for the client area. For more information about device contexts, see Section 1.2.12, “Class and Private Display Contexts,” and Section 1.6.2, “Display Context Types.”
GetDCEx Retrieves the display context for the client area (as does the GetDC function). For more information about device contexts, see Section 1.2.12, “Class and Private Display Contexts,” and Section 1.6.2, “Display Context Types.”
GetUpdateRect Copies the dimensions of a window region's bounding rectangle.
GetUpdateRgn Copies a window's update region.
GetWindowDC Retrieves the display context for an entire window. For more information about device contexts, see Section 1.2.12, “Class and Private Display Contexts,” and Section 1.6.2, “Display Context Types.”
GrayString Writes the characters of a string by using gray text.
InvalidateRect Marks a rectangle for repainting.
InvalidateRgn Marks a region for repainting.
InvertRect Inverts the display bits of the specified rectangle.
LockWindowUpdate Disables or reenables drawing in a window.
RedrawWindow Updates a rectangle or region within a window's client area.
ReleaseDC Releases a display context. For more information about device contexts, see Section 1.2.12, “Class and Private Display Contexts,” and Section 1.6.2, “Display Context Types.”
UpdateWindow Notifies the application when parts of a window need redrawing.
ValidateRect Releases the specified rectangle from repainting.
ValidateRgn Releases the specified region from repainting.

For detailed information about the painting functions, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 2.