extrn hardware_event :far
mov ax, Msg ; message
mov cx, ParamL ; low-order word of lParam of the message
mov dx, ParamH ; high-order word of lParam of the message
mov si, hwnd ; handle of the destination window
mov di, wParam ; wParam of the message
cCall hardware_event
The hardware_event function places a hardware-related message into the system message queue. This function allows a driver for a non-standard hardware device to place a message into the queue.
Specifies the message to place in the system message queue.
Specifies the low-order word of the lParam parameter of the message.
Specifies the high-order word of the lParam parameter of the message.
Identifies the window to which the message is directed. This parameter also becomes the low-order word of the dwExtraInfo parameter associated with the message. An application can determine the value of this parameter by calling the GetMessageExtraInfo function.
Specifies the wParam parameter of the message.
The return value is nonzero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
An application should not use this function to place keyboard or mouse messages into the system message queue.
An application may only call the hardware_event function from an assembly language routine. The application must declare the function as follows:
extrn hardware_event :far
If the application includes CMACROS.INC, the application can declare the function as follows:
extrnFP hardware_event.