Chapter 1 Data Types

The data types in this chapter are keywords that define the size and meaning of parameters and return values associated with functions for the Microsoft Windows operating system, version 3.1. The following table contains character, integer, and Boolean types; pointer types; and handles. The character, integer, and Boolean types are common to most C compilers. Most of the pointer-type names begin with a prefix of P, N (for near pointers), or LP (for long pointers). A near pointer accesses data within the current data segment, and a long pointer contains a 32-bit segment:offset value. A Windows application uses a handle to refer to a resource that has been loaded into memory. Windows provides access to these resources through internally maintained tables that contain individual entries for each handle. Each entry in the handle table contains the address of the resource and a means of identifying the resource type.

The Windows data types are defined in the following table:

Type Definition

ABORTPROC 32-bit pointer to an AbortProc callback function.
ATOM 16-bit value used as an atom handle.
BOOL 16-bit Boolean value.
BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer. Use LPBYTE to create 32-bit pointers. Use PBYTE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
CATCHBUF[9] 18-byte buffer used by the Catch function.
COLORREF 32-bit value used as a color value.
DLGPROC 32-bit pointer to a dialog box procedure.
DWORD 32-bit unsigned integer or a segment:offset address. Use LPDWORD to create 32-bit pointers. Use PDWORD to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
FARPROC 32-bit pointer to a function.
FNCALLBACK 32-bit value identifying the DdeCallback function. Use PFNCALLBACK to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
FONTENUMPROC 32-bit pointer to an EnumFontsProc callback function.
GLOBALHANDLE 16-bit value used as a handle to a global memory object.
GNOTIFYPROC 32-bit pointer to a NotifyProc callback function.
GOBJENUMPROC 32-bit pointer to a EnumObjectsProc callback function.
GRAYSTRINGPROC 32-bit pointer to a GrayStringProc callback function.
HANDLE 16-bit value used as a general handle. Use LPHANDLE to create 32-bit pointers. Use SPHANDLE to create 16-bit pointers. Use PHANDLE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
HCURSOR 16-bit value used as a cursor handle.
HFILE 16-bit value used as a file handle.
HGDIOBJ 16-bit value used as a graphics device interface (GDI) object handle.
HGLOBAL 16-bit value used as a handle to a global memory object.
HHOOK 32-bit value used as a hook handle.
HKEY 32-bit value used as a handle to a key in the registration database. Use PHKEY to create 32-bit pointers.
HLOCAL 16-bit value used as a handle to a local memory object.
HMODULE 16-bit value used as a module handle.
HOBJECT 16-bit value used as a handle to an OLE object.
HWND 16-bit value used as a handle to a window.
HOOKPROC 32-bit pointer to a hook procedure.
HRSRC 16-bit value used as a resource handle.
LHCLIENTDOC 32-bit value used as a handle to an OLE client document.
LHSERVER 32-bit value used as a handle to an OLE server.
LHSERVERDOC 32-bit value used as a handle to an OLE server document.
LINEDDAPROC 32-bit pointer to a LineDDAProc callback function.
LOCALHANDLE 16-bit value used as a handle to a local memory object.
LONG 32-bit signed integer.
LPABC 32-bit pointer to an ABC structure.
LPARAM 32-bit signed value passed as a parameter to a window procedure or callback function.
LPBI 32-bit pointer to a BANDINFOSTRUCT structure.
LPBITMAP 32-bit pointer to a BITMAP structure. Use NPBITMAP to create 16-bit pointers. Use PBITMAP to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPBITMAPCOREHEADER 32-bit pointer to a BITMAPCOREHEADER structure. Use PBITMAPCOREHEADER to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPBITMAPCOREINFO 32-bit pointer to a BITMAPCOREINFO structure. Use PBITMAPCOREINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPBITMAPFILEHEADER 32-bit pointer to a BITMAPFILEHEADER structure. Use PBITMAPFILEHEADER to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPBITMAPINFO 32-bit pointer to a BITMAPINFO structure. Use PBITMAPINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER 32-bit pointer to a BITMAPINFOHEADER structure. Use PBITMAPINFOHEADER to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPCATCHBUF 32-bit pointer to a CATCHBUF array.
LPCBT_CREATEWND 32-bit pointer to a CBT_CREATEWND structure.
LPCHOOSECOLOR 32-bit pointer to a CHOOSECOLOR structure.
LPCHOOSEFONT 32-bit pointer to a CHOOSEFONT structure.
LPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a COMPAREITEMSTRUCT structure. Use PCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPCPLINFO 32-bit pointer to a CPLINFO structure. Use PCPLINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPCREATESTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a CREATESTRUCT structure.
LPCSTR 32-bit pointer to a nonmodifiable character string.
LPCTLINFO 32-bit pointer to a CTLINFO structure. Use PCTLINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPCTLSTYLE 32-bit pointer to a CTLSTYLE structure. Use PCTLSTYLE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPDCB 32-bit pointer to a DCB structure.
LPDEBUGHOOKINFO 32-bit pointer to a DEBUGHOOKINFO structure.
LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a DELETEITEMSTRUCT structure. Use PDELETEITEMSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPDEVMODE 32-bit pointer to a DEVMODE structure. Use NPDEVMODE to create 16-bit pointers. Use PDEVMODE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPDEVNAMES 32-bit pointer to a DEVNAMES structure.
LPDOCINFO 32-bit pointer to a DOCINFO structure.
LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure. Use PDRAWITEMSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPDRVCONFIGINFO 32-bit pointer to a DRVCONFIGINFO structure. Use PDRVCONFIGINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPEVENTMSG 32-bit pointer to a EVENTMSG structure. Use NPEVENTMSG to create 16-bit pointers. Use PEVENTMSG to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPFINDREPLACE 32-bit pointer to a FINDREPLACE structure.
LPFMS_GETDRIVEINFO 32-bit pointer to a FMS_GETDRIVEINFO structure.
LPFMS_GETFILESEL 32-bit pointer to a FMS_GETFILESEL structure.
LPFMS_LOAD 32-bit pointer to a FMS_LOAD structure.
LPHANDLETABLE 32-bit pointer to a HANDLETABLE structure. Use PHANDLETABLE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPHELPWININFO 32-bit pointer to a HELPWININFO structure. Use PHELPWININFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPINT 32-bit pointer to a 16-bit signed value. Use PINT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPKERNINGPAIR 32-bit pointer to a KERNINGPAIR structure.
LPLOGBRUSH 32-bit pointer to a LOGBRUSH structure. Use NPLOGBRUSH to create 16-bit pointers. Use PLOGBRUSH to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPLOGFONT 32-bit pointer to a LOGFONT structure. Use NPLOGFONT to create 16-bit pointers. Use PLOGFONT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPLOGPALETTE 32-bit pointer to a LOGPALETTE structure. Use NPLOGPALETTE to create 16-bit pointers. Use PLOGPALETTE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPLOGPEN 32-bit pointer to a LOGPEN structure. Use NPLOGPEN to create 16-bit pointers. Use PLOGPEN to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPLONG 32-bit pointer to a 32-bit signed integer. Use PLONG to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPMAT2 32-bit pointer to a MAT2 structure.
LPMDICREATESTRUCT 32-bit pointer to an MDICREATESTRUCT structure.
LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a MEASUREITEMSTRUCT structure. Use PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPMETAFILEPICT 32-bit pointer to a METAFILEPICT structure.
LPMETARECORD 32-bit pointer to a METARECORD structure. Use PMETARECORD to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT structure.
LPMSG 32-bit pointer to an MSG structure. Use NPMSG to create 16-bit pointers. Use PMSG to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS 32-bit pointer to an NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure.
LPNEWCPLINFO 32-bit pointer to an NEWCPLINFO structure. Use PNEWCPLINFO to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPNEWTEXTMETRIC 32-bit pointer to a NEWTEXTMETRIC structure. Use NPNEWTEXTMETRIC to create 16-bit pointers. Use PNEWTEXTMETRIC to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPOFSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to an OFSTRUCT structure. Use NPOFSTRUCT to create 16-bit pointers. Use POFSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPOLECLIENT 32-bit pointer to OLECLIENT structure.
LPOLECLIENTVTBL 32-bit pointer to OLECLIENTVTBL structure.
LPOLEOBJECT 32-bit pointer to OLEOBJECT structure.
LPOLEOBJECTVTBL 32-bit pointer to OLEOBJECTVTBL structure.
LPOLESERVER 32-bit pointer to OLESERVER structure.
LPOLESERVERDOC 32-bit pointer to OLESERVERDOC structure.
LPOLESERVERVTBL 32-bit pointer to OLESERVERVTBL structure.
LPOLESTREAM 32-bit pointer to OLESTREAM structure.
LPOLESTREAMVTBL 32-bit pointer to OLESTREAMVTBL structure.
LPOPENFILENAME 32-bit pointer to OPENFILENAME structure.
LPPAINTSTRUCT 32-bit pointer to a PAINTSTRUCT structure. Use NPPAINTSTRUCT to create 16-bit pointers. Use PPAINTSTRUCT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPPALETTEENTRY 32-bit pointer to a PALETTEENTRY structure.
LPPOINT 32-bit pointer to a POINT structure. Use NPPOINT to create 16-bit pointers. Use PPOINT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPPOINTFX 32-bit pointer to a POINTFX structure.
LPPRINTDLG 32-bit pointer to a PRINTDLG structure.
LPRASTERIZER_STATUS 32-bit pointer to a RASTERIZER_STATUS structure.
LPRECT 32-bit pointer to a RECT structure. Use NPRECT to create 16-bit pointers. Use PRECT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPRGBQUAD 32-bit pointer to a RGBQUAD structure.
LPRGBTRIPLE 32-bit pointer to a RGBTRIPLE structure.
LPSEGINFO 32-bit pointer to a SEGINFO structure.
LPSIZE 32-bit pointer to a SIZE structure. Use NPSIZE to create 16-bit pointers. Use PSIZE to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPSTR 32-bit pointer to a character string. Use NPSTR to create 16-bit pointers. Use PSTR to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPTEXTMETRIC 32-bit pointer to a TEXTMETRIC structure. Use NPTEXTMETRIC to create 16-bit pointers. Use PTEXTMETRIC to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPTTPOLYCURVE 32-bit pointer to a TTPOLYCURVE structure.
LPTTPOLYGONHEADER 32-bit pointer to a TTPOLYGONHEADER structure.
LPVOID 32-bit pointer to an unspecified type.
LPWINDOWPLACEMENT 32-bit pointer to a WINDOWPLACEMENT structure. Use PWINDOWPLACEMENT to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPWINDOWPOS 32-bit pointer to a WINDOWPOS structure.
LPWNDCLASS 32-bit pointer to a WNDCLASS structure. Use NPWNDCLASS to create 16-bit pointers. Use PWNDCLASS to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LPWORD 32-bit pointer to a 16-bit unsigned value. Use PWORD to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
LRESULT 32-bit signed value returned from a window procedure or callback function.
MFENUMPROC 32-bit pointer to an EnumMetaFileProc callback function.
NEARPROC 16-bit pointer to a function.
OLECLIPFORMAT 16-bit value used as a standard clipboard format.
PATTERN Equivalent to the LOGBRUSH structure. Use LPPATTERN to create 32-bit pointers. Use NPPATTERN to create 16-bit pointers. Use PPATTERN to create pointers that match the compiler memory model.
PCONVCONTEXT 32-bit pointer to a CONVCONTEXT structure.
PCONVINFO 32-bit pointer to a CONVINFO structure.
PHSZPAIR 32-bit pointer to a HSZPAIR structure.
PROPENUMPROC 32-bit pointer to an EnumPropFixedProc or EnumPropMovableProc callback function.
RSRCHDLRPROC 32-bit pointer to a LoadProc callback function.
TIMERPROC 32-bit pointer to a TimerProc callback function.
UINT 16-bit unsigned value.
WNDENUMPROC 32-bit pointer to an EnumWindowsProc callback function.
WNDPROC 32-bit pointer to a window procedure.
WORD 16-bit unsigned value.
WPARAM 16-bit signed value passed as a parameter to a window procedure or callback function.