
wParam = 0;     /* not used, must be zero */
lParam = 0L;    /* not used, must be zero */

An application sends a BM_GETSTATE message to retrieve the state of a button.


This message has no parameters.

Return Value

The return value specifies the current state of the button. You can use the following masks to extract information about the state:

Mask Description

0x0003 Specifies the check state (radio buttons and check boxes only). A value of 0 indicates the button is unchecked. A value of 1 indicates the button is checked. A radio button is checked when it contains a dot; a check box is checked when it contains an X. A value of 2 indicates the check state is indeterminate (3-state check boxes only). The state of a 3-state check box is indeterminate when it is grayed.
0x0004 Specifies the highlight state. A nonzero value indicates that the button is highlighted. A button is highlighted when the user presses and holds the left mouse button. The highlighting is removed when the user releases the mouse button.
0x0008 Specifies the focus state. A nonzero value indicates that the button has the focus.


This example determines whether a button currently has the focus:

#define BFFOCUS 0x0008

DWORD dwResult;

dwResult = SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, ID_MYBUTTON, BM_GETSTATE, 0, 0L);
if (dwResult & BFFOCUS)

    /* button has the focus */

See Also