5.1 Organization of a Group File

The first element in a group file is the group-file header. The data in the group-file header includes an identifier, a count of bytes, a count of items in the file, and information that the system uses to display group icons.

The group-file header is followed by one or more entries that contain item data describing the icon of an application. These entries include the coordinates that the system uses to display the icon; the count of bytes in the header, AND mask, and XOR mask for the icon; and the offset to the header, AND mask, and XOR mask for the icon.

The item data entries are followed by entries that contain the color data for the application icons. For more information about these entries, see Chapter 1, “Graphics File Formats.”

For Windows version 3.1, the icon data is followed by tag data. The tag data contains information that Program Manager uses when it displays the Program Item Properties dialog box. This data identifies the directory in which the application is stored and the shortcut key (if one exists). It also specifies the state of the Run Minimized box.