hwndRemoved = (HWND) wParam; /* handle of removed window */
hwndNext = (HWND) LOWORD(lParam); /* handle of next window */
The WM_CHANGECBCHAIN message notifies the first window in the clipboard-viewer chain that a window is being removed from the chain.
Value of wParam. Identifies the window that is being removed from the clipboard-viewer chain.
Value of the low-order word of lParam. Identifies the window that follows the window being removed from the clipboard-viewer chain.
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
Each window that receives the WM_CHANGECBCHAIN message should call the SendMessage function to pass the message on to the next window in the clipboard-viewer chain. If the window being removed is the next window in the chain, the window specified by the hwndNext parameter becomes the next window and clipboard messages are passed on to it.