5.2.2 Item Data

The item data contains information about a particular application and its icon. The ITEMDATA structure has the following form:

struct tagITEMDATA {
    POINT pt;
    WORD  iIcon;
    WORD  cbResource;
    WORD  cbANDPlane;
    WORD  cbXORPlane;
    WORD  pHeader;
    WORD  pANDPlane;
    WORD  pXORPlane;
    WORD  pName;
    WORD  pCommand;
    WORD  pIconPath;

Following are the members in the ITEMDATA structure:


Specifies the coordinates for the lower-left corner of an icon in the group window. It is a point structure.


Specifies the index value for an icon. This value indicates the position of the icon in an executable file.


Specifies the count of bytes in the icon resource, which appears in the executable file for the application.


Specifies the count of bytes in the AND mask for the icon.


Specifies the count of bytes in the XOR mask for the icon.


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to the resource header for the icon.


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to the AND mask for the icon.


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to the XOR mask for the icon.


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to a string that specifies the item name.


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to a string that specifies the name of the executable file containing the application and the icon resource(s).


Specifies an offset from the beginning of the group file to a string that specifies the path where the executable file is located. This path can be used to extract icon data from an executable file.