ledRecordType db 0B4h ; LEXTDEF record
ledLength dw ? ; length of record
; next 3 fields repeated
ledNameLength db ? ; length of name
ledExternalName db ? dup(?) ; external name (var-length)
ledTypeIndex db ? ; type index
db ? ; type index (conditional)
ledCheckSum db ? ; checksum
The LEXTDEF record is identical in form to the EXTDEF record. However, the symbols named in this record are visible only inside the module in which they are defined.
For complete details about the members in this record, see the EXTDEF record in The MS-DOS Encyclopedia.
LEXTDEF records are associated with corresponding LPUBDEF and LCOMDEF records. The name string, when stored by LINK in internal data structures, is encoded with spaces and digits at the beginning of the name.
This record type is produced in C from static functions, as in the following example:
static int myfunc() { }