
idDevice = wParam;              /* communication-device ID  */
nNotifyStatus = LOWORD(lParam); /* notification-status flag */

The WM_COMMNOTIFY message is posted by a communication device driver whenever a COM port event occurs. The message indicates the status of a window's input or output queue.



Value of wParam. Specifies the identifier of the communication device that is posting the notification message.


Value of the low-order word of lParam. Specifies the notification status in the low-order word. The notification status may be one or more of the following flags:

Value Meaning

CN_EVENT Indicates that an event has occurred that was enabled in the event word of the communication device. This event was enabled by a call to the SetCommEventMask function. The application should call the GetCommEventMask function to determine which event occurred and to clear the event.
CN_RECEIVE Indicates that at least cbWriteNotify bytes are in the input queue. The cbWriteNotify parameter is a parameter of the EnableCommNotification function.
CN_TRANSMIT Indicates that fewer than cbOutQueue bytes are in the output queue waiting to be transmitted. The cbOutQueue parameter is a parameter of the EnableCommNotification function.

Return Value

An application should return zero if it processes this message.


This message is sent only when the event word changes for the communication device. The application that sends WM_COMMNOTIFY must clear each event to be sure of receiving future notifications.

See Also
