A File Manager extension sends an FM_GETFILESELLFN message to retrieve information about a selected file from the active File Manager window (either the directory window or the Search Results window). The selected file can have a long filename.
Specifies the zero-based index of the selected file to retrieve.
Points to an FMS_GETFILESEL structure that receives information about the selection. The FMS_GETFILESEL structure has the following form:
#include <wfext.h>
typedef struct tagFMS_GETFILESEL { /* fmsgfs */
UINT wTime;
UINT wDate;
DWORD dwSize;
BYTE bAttr;
char szName[260];
The return value is the zero-based index of the selected file that was retrieved.
Only extensions that support long filenames (for example, network-aware extensions) should use this message.
An extension can use the FM_GETSELCOUNT message to obtain the count of selected files.
The szName member of the FMS_GETFILESEL structure consists of an OEM character string. Before displaying this string, an extension should use the OemToAnsi function to convert the string to a Windows ANSI character string. If a string is to be passed to the file system (MS-DOS), an extension should not convert it.