2.2.2 Registration Database

The registration database is a systemwide source of information about applications. This information is used to support the integration of applications with File Manager for Windows 3.1 and is used by applications that support object linking and embedding (OLE).

Your application can add entries to the registration database by using the registration functions; you can also add entries when you install your application by using Microsoft Windows Registration Editor (REGEDIT.EXE).

Following are the new registration database functions:

Function Description

RegCloseKey Closes a key.
RegCreateKey Creates a key.
RegDeleteKey Deletes a key.
RegEnumKey Enumerates subkeys of a specified key.
RegOpenKey Opens a key.
RegQueryValue Retrieves a text string for a specified key.
RegSetValue Associates a text string with a specified key.

The registration database feature depends on the dynamic-link library SHELL.DLL. This is a redistributable library.