2.2.17 New Graphics Device Interface (GDI) Functions

The following new GDI functions have been added to Windows 3.1. This table does not include the new printer and TrueType functions, which are also part of GDI. (The new printer and TrueType functions are listed earlier in this chapter.)

Function Description

GetAspectRatioFilterEx Retrieves the current aspect-ratio filter.
GetBoundsRect Retrieves the current accumulated bounding rectangle.
GetBrushOrgEx Retrieves the origin of the current brush.
GetCurrentPositionEx Retrieves the current position, in logical units, putting the result in a POINT structure.
GetTextExtentPoint Retrieves the dimensions of a string.
GetViewportExtEx Retrieves the viewport extent, putting the result in a SIZE structure.
GetViewportOrgEx Retrieves the viewport origin, putting the result in a POINT structure.
GetWindowExtEx Retrieves the window extent, putting the result in a SIZE structure.
GetWindowOrgEx Retrieves the window origin, putting the result in a POINT structure.
IsGDIObject Determines if the handle is not a handle of a GDI object.
MoveToEx Moves the current position, putting the previous position in a POINT structure.
OffsetViewportOrgEx Moves the viewport origin, putting the previous origin in a POINT structure.
OffsetWindowOrgEx Moves the window origin, putting the previous origin in a POINT structure.
ResetDC Updates a device context.
ScaleViewportExtEx Scales viewport extents, putting the previous extents in a SIZE structure.
ScaleWindowExtEx Scales window extents, putting the previous extents in a SIZE structure.
SetBitmapDimensionEx Sets the width and height of a bitmap, putting the previous dimensions in a SIZE structure.
SetBoundsRect Controls bounding-rectangle accumulation.
SetMetaFileBitsBetter Create a memory object from a metafile.
SetViewportExtEx Sets viewport extents, putting the previous extents in a SIZE structure.
SetViewportOrgEx Sets the viewport origin, putting the previous origin in a POINT structure.
SetWindowExtEx Sets window extents, putting the previous extents in a SIZE structure.
SetWindowOrgEx Sets the window origin, putting the previous origin in a POINT structure.