short Escape(hdc, SETCOPYCOUNT, sizeof(int),lpNumCopies,lpActualCopies)

The SETCOPYCOUNT printer escape is maintained for backwards compatibility. Applications written for Windows 3.1 should use the ExtDeviceMode function.

This escape specifies the number of uncollated copies of each page that the printer is to print.



HDC Identifies the device context.


LPINT Points to a short integer that contains the number of uncollated copies to be printed.


LPINT Points to a short integer that will receive the number of copies to be printed. This may be less than the number requested if the requested number is greater than the maximum copy count for the device.

Return Value

The return value specifies the outcome of the escape. It is 1 if the escape is successful and zero if the escape is not successful. The return value is zero if the escape is not implemented.