25.5.2 Using Drivers with the Drivers Control Panel Application

During installation, the Drivers Control Panel application opens the driver and obtains the description line, originally defined in the module-definition (.DEF) file, from the driver header. The application uses the description line to construct the settings for the [drivers] section. The description line in the .DEF file should have the following form:

DESCRIPTION type(s):text

Following are the parameters in the description line:

Parameter Meaning

type(s) Type of driver used for the entry in the SYSTEM.INI file. Multiple entries are separated by commas.
text Text that describes the driver. This will be displayed in the Drivers Control Panel application.

For example, the header file for an oscilloscope driver (OSCI.DRV) can use the following description line:

DESCRIPTION 'FREQ,AMPL:Oscilloscope frequency and amplitude drivers.'

Based on this definition, if both drivers are installed (that is, if the Drivers Control Panel application displays a selection for both FREQ and AMPL), the Drivers Control Panel application creates the following settings in the SYSTEM.INI file:

FREQ = osci.drv
AMPL = osci.drv

If you want your driver added to a named section of the SYSTEM.INI file, you can add the section name to the type of driver. For example, the following description line specifies that a voltmeter driver be added to the [RCC] section: