1.18.4 Rectangle Functions

Rectangle functions alter and obtain information about rectangles in a window's client area. Following are the rectangle functions:

Function Description

CopyRect Makes a copy of an existing rectangle.
EqualRect Finds out whether two rectangles are equal.
GetBoundsRect Returns current accumulated bounding rectangle.
InflateRect Expands or shrinks the specified rectangle.
IntersectRect Finds the intersection of two rectangles.
OffsetRect Moves a given rectangle.
PtInRect Indicates whether a specified point lies within a given rectangle.
SetBoundsRect Controls bounding-rectangle accumulation.
SetRectEmpty Sets a rectangle to an empty rectangle.
SubtractRect Creates a rectangle from the difference between two rectangles.
UnionRect Stores the union of two rectangles.

For detailed information about the rectangle functions, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 2.