MULTIKEY = footnote-character

The MULTIKEY option specifies the footnote character to use for an alternative keyword table. This option is intended to be used in conjunction with topic files that contain \footnote statements for alternative keywords.



Specifies the case-sensitive letter to be used for the keyword footnote.


Since keyword footnotes are case-sensitive, you should limit your keyword-table footnotes to one case, usually uppercase. If an uppercase letter is specified, the compiler will not include footnotes with the lowercase form of the same letter in the keyword table.

You may use any alphanumeric character for a keyword table except K and k, which are reserved for Help's standard keyword table. There is an absolute limit of five keyword tables, including the standard table. However, depending upon system configuration and the structure of your Help system, a practical limit of only two or three tables may be more realistic. If the compiler cannot create an additional keyword table, the additional table is ignored in the build.


The following example illustrates how to enable the letter L for a keyword-table footnote:


See Also