ls group-name | name-chars | *
The ls command lists the symbols in the specified group or lists names that match the search specification in all groups. The only valid wildcard is a single asterisk (*) as the last character on the command line; all other characters are ignored.
Names the group that contains the symbols you want to list.
Specifies the beginning characters of the symbols you want to list.
The following example displays all the symbols in the DOSRING3CODE group:
Symbols are displayed in a format similar to the following:
0000 Sigdispatch
001A LibInitDisp
The following example displays all the symbols that begin with the string vkd:
ls vkd*
Group names are displayed as they are searched, in a form similar to the following:
GROUP: [0028] CODE
60003A74 VKD_Control_Debug
GROUP: [0030] DATA
6001DFFC VKD_CB_Offset
The following example displays the address and group for the symbol VMM_base:
ls vmm_base