
u [range]

The u command disassembles bytes and displays the source statements, with addresses and byte values, that correspond to them.

The display of disassembled code looks similar to a code listing for an assembled file. If you type the u command by itself, 20h bytes are disassembled at the first address after the one displayed by the previous u command.



Specifies the block of memory in which instructions are to be disassembled. If no range is given, the command disassembles the next 20h bytes.


The following example disassembles and displays 20h bytes from the specified address:


The resulting display is similar to the following:

1A60:046C C3               RET
1A60:046D 9A6B3E100D       CALL  0D10:3E6B
1A60:0472 33C0             XOR  AX,AX
1A60:0474 50               PUSH  AX
1A60:0475 9D               POPF
1A60:0476 9C               PUSHF
1A60:0477 58               POP  AX
1A60:0478 2500F0           AND  AX,F000
1A60:047B 3D00F0           CMP  AX,F000
1A60:047E 7508             JNZ  0488
1A60:0480 689C26           PUSH  269C
1A60:0483 9AF105100D       CALL  0D10:05F1

If the bytes at some addresses are altered, the disassembler alters the instruction statements. You can also use the u command for the changed locations, for the new instructions viewed, and for the disassembled code used to edit the source file.