
wParam = 0;                         /* not used, must be zero    */
lParam = (LPARAM) (const RECT FAR*) lprc; /* address of RECT     */

An application sends an EM_SETRECTNP message to set the formatting rectangle of a multiline edit control. The formatting rectangle is the limiting rectangle of the text. The limiting rectangle is independent of the size of the edit-control window. When the edit control is first created, the formatting rectangle is the same as the client area of the edit-control window. By using the EM_SETRECTNP message, an application can make the formatting rectangle larger or smaller than the edit-control window.

The EM_SETRECTNP message is identical to the EM_SETRECT message, except that the edit-control window is not redrawn.

This message is processed only by multiline edit controls.



Value of lParam. Points to a RECT structure that specifies the new dimensions of the rectangle. The RECT structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagRECT {    /* rc */
   int left;
   int top;
   int right;
   int bottom;

Return Value

This message does not return a value.

See Also