

  #include <ole.h>    

  OLESTATUS OleRenameClientDoc(lhClientDoc, lpszNewDocname)    
  LHCLIENTDOC lhClientDoc; /* handle of client document */
  LPCSTR lpszNewDocname; /* address of string for new document name */

The OleRenameClientDoc function informs the client library that a document has been renamed. A client application calls this function when a document name has changed—for example, when the user chooses the Save or Save As command from the File menu.



Identifies the document that has been renamed.


Points to a null-terminated string specifying the new name of the document.

Return Value

The return value is OLE_OK if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an error value, which may be OLE_ERROR_HANDLE.


Client applications should register open documents with the library and notify the library when a document is renamed, closed, saved, or restored to a changed state.

See Also

OleRegisterClientDoc, OleRevertClientDoc, OleRevokeClientDoc, OleSavedClientDoc