4.5.2 Starting a Debugging Session for a Single Application

After you start CVW from Windows, CVW displays the Command Line dialog box. To start debugging a single application, do the following:

1.In the Command Line dialog box, type the name of the application. If you do not include an extension, CVW assumes the .EXE extension by default. You can also include any arguments that the application recognizes. Following is the syntax of the command to start debugging a single application:

app_name[.exe] [app_arguments]

2.Press ENTER, or choose the OK button.

CVW displays a dialog box with the following message:

Name any other DLL or executable with debug info.

3.Because you are debugging only one application and no DLLs, press ENTER or choose the OK button. CVW loads the application and displays on the debugging screen the source code for the application's WinMain function.

4.Set any breakpoints you want in the code.

5.To continue running the application, choose the <F5=Go> button on the status line or press the F5 key.

You can avoid startup dialog boxes and start CVW more quickly by specifying the application name as an argument on the command line, as follows:

1.From the Program Manager File menu, choose Run.

2.Type the application name and any application arguments on the command line. Following is the command syntax to start debugging a single application:

cvw [cvw_options] app_name[.exe] [app_arguments]

3.Press ENTER, or choose the OK button.