4.6 Saving Session Information

After your session, CVW stores session information in a file called CURRENT.STS, which is located in the directory pointed to by the INIT environment variable or in the current directory. If this file does not already exist, CVW automatically creates it. Session information includes the following:

CVW display windows that were opened

Breakpoint locations

CVW saves this information, which becomes the default session information the next time you run a CVW session for that application.

By default, this feature is enabled. You can disable this feature by placing the following entry in your TOOLS.INI file:

StateFileRead: n

The /tsf option temporarily inverts this setting when you run CVW. That is, if TOOLS.INI disables this feature, running CVW with the /tsf option saves session information for that session only.

If your Windows session abnormally terminates while CVW is running, the CURRENT.STS file may be corrupted. This may cause CVW to fail when it first tries to execute the application you are debugging. If this happens, delete the CURRENT.STS file before attempting to run CVW again.


Microsoft Programmer's WorkBench (PWB) version 2.0 modifies the CURRENT.STS file. Once PWB has modified this file, CVW cannot read the command settings.