context_string = alias
The [ALIAS] section assigns one or more context strings to the same topic alias. This section is optional.
Specifies the context string that identifies a particular topic.
Specifies the alternative string or alias name. An alias string has the same form and follows the same conventions as the topic context string. That is, it is not case-sensitive and may contain the alphabetic characters A through Z, the numeric characters 0 through 9, and the period and underscore characters.
Because context strings must be unique for each topic and cannot be used for any other topic in the Help project, the [ALIAS] section provides a way to delete or combine help topics without recoding your files. For example, if you create a topic that replaces information in three other topics, you could manually search through your files for invalid cross-references to the deleted topics. The easier approach, however, would be to use the [ALIAS] section to assign the name of the new topic to the deleted topics.
The [ALIAS] section can also be used when your application has multiple context identifiers for one help topic. This situation occurs in context-sensitive Help.
Alias names can be used in a [MAP] section, but only if the [ALIAS] section precedes the [MAP] section.
The following example creates several aliases:
st_key=key_shrtcuts ; combined into Keyboard Shortcuts topic
maakey=us_dlog_bxs ; covered in Using Dialog Boxes topic.
tbx_key=dlogprts ; combined into Parts of Dialog Box topic.
seltxt=edittxt ; covered in Editing Text topic.