
The [BAGGAGE] section lists files (typically multimedia elements) that the Microsoft Help Compiler stores within the help file's internal file system. Windows Help can access data files stored in the help file more efficiently than it can access files in the normal MS-DOS file system, since it doesn't have to read the file allocation table from CD-ROM.



Specifies the full path of a file. If a file cannot be found, the compiler reports an error.


A maximum of 1,000 bitmap files can be stored as baggage files.

If a file is listed in the [BAGGAGE] section, you refer to that file in the topic file by prefixing the filename with an exclamation point (!). The filename must appear exactly the same in the topic file as it appears in the [BAGGAGE] section. To

avoid having to specify a full path, use the ROOT option in the [OPTIONS] section to specify the path. All filenames that you give in the topic file are relative to the ROOT path.

See Also