The bl command lists current information about all breakpoints created by the bp (Set Breakpoints) command.
If no breakpoints are currently defined, the debugger displays nothing. Otherwise, the breakpoint number, enabled status, breakpoint address, number of passes remaining, initial number of passes (in parentheses), and any optional debugger commands to be executed when the breakpoint is reached are displayed on the screen, as in the following example:
0 e 04BA:0100
4 d 04BA:0503 4 (10)
8 e 0D2D:0001 3 (3) "R;DB DS:SI"
9 e xxxx:0012
In this example, breakpoints 0 and 8 are enabled (e) and 4 is disabled (d). Breakpoint 4 had an initial pass count of 10h and has four remaining passes to be taken before the breakpoint. Breakpoint 8 had an initial pass count of 3 and must make
all three passes before it halts execution and forces the debugger to execute the optional debugger commands enclosed in quotation marks. Breakpoint 0 shows no initial pass count, which means it was set to 1. Breakpoint 9 shows a virtual breakpoint (a breakpoint set in a segment that has not been loaded into memory).