4.9.7 Displaying the Contents of Registers

Selecting the Register command from the View menu (or pressing F2) opens a Reg window on the right side of the screen. The current values of the microprocessor's registers appear in this window.

At the bottom of the window are a group of mnemonics representing the processor flags. When your application first starts running, all values are shown in normal-intensity video. Any subsequent changes are marked in high-intensity video. For example, suppose the overflow flag is not set when the application starts. The corresponding mnemonic is NV, and it appears in normal-intensity video. If the overflow flag is subsequently set, the mnemonic changes to OV and appears in high-intensity video.

Selecting the 386 Instructions command from the Options menu displays the contents of the registers as 32-bit values. This command is valid only if your computer uses an 80386 processor. Selecting this command a second time changes the registers back to 16-bit values.

You can also display the registers of an 8087/80287/80387 coprocessor in a separate window by choosing the 8087 command from the View menu. If your application uses a coprocessor emulator, the emulated registers are displayed instead.