
e addr [list]

The e command enters byte values into memory at a specified address. You can specify the new values on the command line or let the debugger prompt you for values. If the debugger prompts you, it displays the address and its contents and then waits for you to perform one of the following actions:

Replace a byte value with a value you type. Type the value after the current value. If the byte you type is an invalid hexadecimal value or contains more than two digits, the system does not echo the illegal or extra character.

Press the SPACEBAR to advance to the next byte. To change the value, type the new value after the current value. If, when you press the SPACEBAR, you move beyond an 8-byte boundary, 80386 Debugger starts a new display line with the address displayed at the beginning.

Type a hyphen (-) to return to the preceding byte. If you decide to change a byte before the current position, typing the hyphen returns the current position to the previous byte. When you type the hyphen, a new line is started with its address and byte value displayed.

Press ENTER to terminate the e command. You can press ENTER at any byte position.



Specifies the address of the first byte to be entered.


Specifies the byte values used for replacement. These values are inserted automatically. If an error occurs when you are using the list form of the command, no byte values are changed.


The following example prompts you to change the value EB at CS:100:

04BA:0100 EB.

To step through the subsequent bytes without changing values, press the SPACEBAR. In the following example, the SPACEBAR is pressed three times:

04BA:0100 EB.41  10. 00. BC.

To return to a value at a previous address, type a hyphen, as shown in the following example:

04BA:0100  EB.41    10. 00. BC.-
04BA:0102  00.-
04BA:0101  10.

This example returns to the address CS:101.