

  BOOL SetWinDebugInfo(lpwdi)    
  const WINDEBUGINFO FAR* lpwdi; /* address of WINDEBUGINFO structure */

The SetWinDebugInfo function sets current system-debugging information for the debugging version of the Windows 3.1 operating system.



Points to a WINDEBUGINFO structure that specifies the type of debugging information to be set. The WINDEBUGINFO structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagWINDEBUGINFO {
    UINT    flags;
    DWORD   dwOptions;
    DWORD   dwFilter;

    char    achAllocModule[8];
    DWORD   dwAllocBreak;
    DWORD   dwAllocCount;

For a full description of this structure, see the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference, Volume 3.

Return Value

The return value is nonzero if the function is successful. It is zero if the pointer specified in the lpwdi parameter is invalid, the flags member of the WINDEBUGINFO structure is invalid, or the function is not called in the debugging version of Windows 3.1.


The flags member of the WINDEBUGINFO structure specifies which debugging information should be set. Applications need initialize only those members of the WINDEBUGINFO structure that correspond to the flags set in the flags member.

Changes to debugging information made by calling SetWinDebugInfo apply only until you exit the system or restart your computer.

See Also
