

  #include <shellapi.h>    

  LONG RegCreateKey(hkey, lpszSubKey, lphkResult)    
  HKEY hkey; /* handle of an open key */
  LPCSTR lpszSubKey; /* address of string for subkey to open */
  HKEY FAR* lphkResult; /* address of handle of open key */

The RegCreateKey function creates the specified key. If the key already exists in the registration database, RegCreateKey opens it.



Identifies an open key (which can be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT). The key opened or created by the RegCreateKey function is a subkey of the key identified by the hkey parameter. This value should not be NULL.


Points to a null-terminated string specifying the subkey to open or create.


Points to the handle of the key that is opened or created.

Return Value

The return value is ERROR_SUCCESS if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an error value.


An application can create keys that are subordinate to the top level of the database by specifying HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT for the hKey parameter. An application can use the RegCreateKey function to create several keys at once. For example, an application could create a subkey four levels deep and the three preceding subkeys by specifying a string of the following form for the lpszSubKey parameter:



The following example uses the RegCreateKey function to create the handle of a protocol, uses the RegSetValue function to set up the subkeys of the protocol, and then calls RegCloseKey to save the information in the database:

HKEY hkProtocol;

if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,             /* root            */
    "NewAppDocument\\protocol\\StdFileEditing", /* protocol string */
    &hkProtocol) != ERROR_SUCCESS)          /* protocol key handle */
        return FALSE;

RegSetValue(hkProtocol,          /* handle of protocol key         */
    "server",                    /* name of subkey                 */
    REG_SZ,                      /* required                       */
    "newapp.exe",                /* command to activate server     */
    10);                         /* text string size               */

RegSetValue(hkProtocol,          /* handle of protocol key         */
    "verb\\0",                   /* name of subkey                 */
    REG_SZ,                      /* required                       */
    "EDIT",                      /* server should edit object      */
    4);                          /* text string size               */

RegCloseKey(hkProtocol);     /* closes protocol key and subkeys    */

See Also

RegCloseKey, RegOpenKey, RegSetValue