

  int CALLBACK WordBreakProc(lpszEditText, ichCurrentWord, cbEditText, action)    
  LPSTR lpszEditText; /* address of edit text */
  int ichCurrentWord; /* index of starting point */
  int cbEditText; /* length of edit text */
  int action; /* action to take, */  

The WordBreakProc function is an application-defined callback function that the system calls whenever a line of text in a multiline edit control must be broken.



Points to the text of the edit control.


Specifies an index to a word in the buffer of text that identifies the point at which the function should begin checking for a word break.


Specifies the number of bytes in the text.


Specifies the action to be taken by the callback function. This parameter can be one of the following values:

Value Action

WB_LEFT Look for the beginning of a word to the left of the current position.
WB_RIGHT Look for the beginning of a word to the right of the current position.
WB_ISDELIMITER Check whether the character at the current position is a delimiter.

Return Value

If the action parameter specifies WB_ISDELIMITER, the return value is non-zero (TRUE) if the character at the current position is a delimiter, or zero if it is not. Otherwise, the return value is an index to the begining of a word in the buffer of text.


A carriage return (CR) followed by a linefeed (LF) must be treated as a single word by the callback function. Two carriage returns followed by a linefeed also must be treated as a single word.

An application must install the callback function by specifying the procedure-instance address of the callback function in a EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC message.

WordBreakProc is a placeholder for the library-defined function name. The
actual name must be exported by including it in an EXPORTS statement in the
library's module-definition file.

See Also
