

  HGLOBAL GlobalAlloc(fuAlloc, cbAlloc)    
  UINT fuAlloc; /* how to allocate object */
  DWORD cbAlloc; /* size of object, */  

The GlobalAlloc function allocates the specified number of bytes from the global heap.



Specifies how to allocate memory. This parameter can be a combination of the following values:

Value Meaning

GMEM_DDESHARE Allocates sharable memory. This flag is used for dynamic data exchange (DDE) only. This flag is equivalent to GMEM_SHARE.
GMEM_DISCARDABLE Allocates discardable memory. This flag can only be used with the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag.
GMEM_FIXED Allocates fixed memory. The GMEM_FIXED and GMEM_MOVEABLE flags cannot be combined.
GMEM_LOWER Same as GMEM_NOT_BANKED. This flag is ignored in Windows 3.1.
GMEM_MOVEABLE Allocates movable memory. The GMEM_FIXED and GMEM_MOVEABLE flags cannot be combined.
GMEM_NOCOMPACT Does not compact or discard memory to satisfy the allocation request.
GMEM_NODISCARD Does not discard memory to satisfy the allocation request.
GMEM_NOT_BANKED Allocates non-banked memory (memory is not within the memory provided by expanded memory). This flag cannot be used with the GMEM_NOTIFY flag. This flag is ignored in Windows 3.1.
GMEM_NOTIFY Calls the notification routine if the memory object is discarded.
GMEM_SHARE Allocates memory that can be shared with other applications. This flag is equivalent to GMEM_DDESHARE.
GMEM_ZEROINIT Initializes memory contents to zero.
GPTR Combines the GMEM_FIXED and GMEM_ZEROINIT flags.


Specifies the number of bytes to be allocated.

Return Value

The return value is the handle of the newly allocated global memory object, if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is NULL.


To convert the handle returned by the GlobalAlloc function into a pointer, an application should use the GlobalLock function.

If this function is successful, it allocates at least the amount requested. If the amount allocated is greater than the amount requested, the application can use the entire amount. To determine the size of a global memory object, an application can use the GlobalSize function.

To free a global memory object, an application should use the GlobalFree function. To change the size or attributes of an allocated memory object, an application can use the GlobalReAlloc function.

The largest memory object that an application can allocate on an 80286 processor is 1 megabyte less 80 bytes. The largest block on an 80386 processor is 16 megabytes less 64K.

If the cbAlloc parameter is zero, the GlobalAlloc function returns a handle of a memory object that is marked as discarded.


The following example uses the GlobalAlloc and GlobalLock functions to
allocate memory, and then calls the GlobalUnlock and GlobalFree functions
to free it.

void FAR* lpvBuffer;

hglb = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, 1024);
lpvBuffer = GlobalLock(hglb);

See Also

GlobalFree, GlobalLock, GlobalNotify, GlobalReAlloc, GlobalSize, LocalAlloc