The Windows Help Compiler

To create a Help file from your topic files, you use the Windows Help compiler. The Help compiler is an application that converts RTF source files into a binary Help file that can be displayed by the Windows Help application. Windows Help version 3.1 offers several versions of the Help compiler. The following table lists each version and describes its function.

Compiler Description

HC30.EXE The Help compiler that ships with the Microsoft Windows Version 3.0 Software Development Kit. Use this compiler to create Help files compatible with Windows Help 3.0 or 3.1.
HC31.EXE The Help compiler that ships with the Microsoft Windows Version 3.0 Software Development Kit. Use this compiler to create Help files compatible with Windows Help 3.1.
HCP.EXE The MS-DOS extended version of the Help compiler. Use this compiler to create large Help files or to make better use of memory. This Help compiler should be able to compile in MS-DOS any file that can be compiled in OS/2.