The WinHelp Function

An application makes a Help system available to the user by calling the WinHelp function. The WinHelp function uses the following C-language syntax.


BOOL WinHelp (hWnd, lpszHelpFile, wCommand, dwData)

HWND hwnd;/* handle of window requesting help*/
LPCSTR lpszHelpFile;/* address of directory-path string*/
UINT wCommand;/* type of help*/
DWORD dwData;/* additional data*/

The WinHelp function starts Windows Help (WINHELP.EXE) and passes optional data indicating the nature of the help requested by the application. The application specifies the name and, where required, the path of the Help file that the Help application is to display.



Identifies the window requesting Help. The WinHelp function uses this handle to keep track of which applications have requested Help.


Points to a null-terminated string containing the path, if necessary, and the name and extension of the Help file that the Help application is to display. The Help file extension (usually .HLP) is required, and a directory path to the Help file is recommended.

The filename may be followed by an angle bracket (>) and the name of a secondary window if the topic is to be displayed in a secondary window rather than the main Help window. The name of the secondary window must have been defined in the [WINDOWS] section of the Help project file for the Help file being called. For a description of the possible effects on the main and secondary Help windows, see the following “Comments” section.


Specifies the type of help requested. For a list of possible values and how they affect the value to place in the dwData parameter, see the following “Comments” section.


Specifies additional data. The value used depends on the value of the wCommand parameter. For a list of possible values, see the following “Comments” section.

Return Value

WinHelp returns a nonzero value if the function is successful. Otherwise, the return value is zero.


Before closing the window that requested Help, the application must call WinHelp with wCommand set to HELP_QUIT. Until all applications have done this, Windows Help does not terminate.

The following table describes the possible effects on the main and secondary Help windows when using the >WindowName parameter:

State at time of call Effect on window after API call
Main Secondary

closed closed
open open

The following table shows the possible values for the wCommand parameter and the corresponding formats of the dwData parameter.

wCommand value

dwData format



An unsigned long integer containing the context number for the topic.

Displays the topic identified by a context number that has been defined in the [MAP] section of the Help project file.

An unsigned long integer containing the context number for the topic.

Displays the topic identified by a context number that has been defined in the [MAP] section of the Help project file. Help does not change the focus to the window displaying the topic.

An unsigned long integer containing the context number for the topic.

Displays in a pop-up window the topic identified by a context number that has been defined in the [MAP] section of the Help project file. The main Help window is not displayed.

Ignored; applications should set to 0L

Displays the topic defined by the CONTENTS option in [OPTIONS] section of the Help project file.

An unsigned long integer containing the context number for the topic the application wants to designate as the Contents topic.

Determines which Contents topic Help should display when a user presses F1 or chooses the Contents button in Help. This call should never be used with HELP_CONTENTS.

If a Help file has two or more Contents topics, the application must assign one as the default. To ensure that the correct Contents topic remains set, the application should call WinHelp with wCommand set to HELP_SETCONTENTS and dwData specifying the corresponding context identifier. Each call to WinHelp should be followed with a command set to HELP_CONTEXT.


A long pointer to a string that contains the context string of the topic to be displayed.

Displays in a pop-up window the topic identified by a specific context string. The main Help window is not displayed.

A long pointer to a string that contains a keyword for the requested topic.

Displays the topic in the keyword list that matches the keyword passed in the dwData parameter if there is one exact match. If there is more than one match, it displays the first topic found. If there is no match, it displays an error message.

A long pointer to a string that contains a keyword for the requested topic.

Displays the topic in the keyword list that matches the keyword passed in the dwData parameter if there is one exact match. If there is more than one match, it displays the Search dialog box with the topics found listed in the Go To box. If there is no match, it displays the Search dialog box.

If you just want to bring up the Search dialog box without passing a keyword (the third result), you should use a long pointer to an empty string.


A long pointer to the MULTIKEYHELP structure, as defined in WINDOWS.H. This structure specifies the table footnote character and the keyword.

Displays the topic identified by a keyword in an alternate keyword table.

A long pointer to a string that contains a Help macro to be executed.

Executes the Help macro string specified in the dwData parameter. Help must be running and the Help file must be open when Help receives this API message; otherwise, Help may ignore this message.

A far pointer to the HELPWININFO structure, as defined in WINDOWS.H. This structure specifies the size and position of the main Help window or a secondary window.

Positions the Help window according to the data passed. If the Help window is minimized, it is opened first and then positioned.

Ignored; applications should set to 0L.

Closes the main Help window, or a secondary window if specified in the lpszHelpFile argument.

Ignored; applications should set to 0L.

Ensures that the correct Help file is displayed. If the correct Help file is currently displayed, there is no action. If the correct Help file is not displayed, WinHelp opens the correct file and displays the topic defined by the CONTENTS option in the [OPTIONS] section of the Help project file.

Ignored; applications should set to 0L.

Displays the Contents topic of the designated How To Use Help file.

Ignored; applications should set to 0L.

Informs the Help application that Help is no longer needed. If no other applications have requested Help, Windows closes the Help application.

The following table shows the complete list of #defines for WinHelp commands.

wCommand Hexadecimal value

#define HELP_CONTEXT 0x0001
#define HELP_QUIT 0x0002
#define HELP_INDEX 0x0003 (Windows Help version 3.0)
#define HELP_CONTENTS 0x0003
#define HELP_HELPONHELP 0x0004
#define HELP_SETINDEX 0x0005 (Windows Help version 3.0)
#define HELP_SETCONTENTS 0x0005
#define HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP 0x0008
#define HELP_FORCEFILE 0x0009
#define HELP_KEY 0x0101
#define HELP_COMMAND 0x0102
#define HELP_POPUPID 0x0104
#define HELP_PARTIALKEY 0x0105
#define HELP_CLOSEWINDOW 0x0107
#define HELP_MULTIKEY 0x0201
#define HELP_SETWINPOS 0x0203