Help topics are linked by hypertext jumps. When you choose text or a bitmap that activates a jump (called a hot spot), Windows Help clears the current topic and displays the topic indicated by the jump. Jumps are indicated in a Help file as follows:
nThe mouse pointer changes from an arrow to a hand when it is over a hot spot.
nText jumps appear in green with a solid underline.
nBitmaps coded as jumps appear the same as regular bitmaps; however, the pointer changes to a hand when it is over the bitmap hot spot.
Figure 2.2 shows a topic that contains a jump at the underlined text “PLACEHOLDER” (this text is green on a color monitor).
To make the jump
nPosition the mouse pointer over the hot spot and click the left mouse button.
Windows Help finds and displays the topic referenced by the jump, as in Figure 2.3.
After jumping to a topic, you can return to the original topic by choosing the Back button on the Windows Help button bar.