Within topics, certain terms or concepts often require further explanation. Instead of having Windows Help jump away from the current topic to provide the additional information, you can have it display the information in a pop-up window on top of the current topic. Pop-up windows are stripped-down windows that have only a window border. They can display text and graphics, and they can include hot spots. Pop-up window hot spots are indicated in the Help file as follows:
nThe mouse pointer changes from an arrow to a hand when it is over the hot spot.
nText hot spots appear in green with a dotted underline.
nBitmaps coded as pop-up hot spots appear the same as regular bitmaps; however, the pointer changes when it is over the bitmap hot spot.
In Figure 2.4, the first paragraph includes a hot spot that, when chosen, displays a pop-up window.
When you click the hot spot, the pop-up window appears (Figure 2.5).
Pop-up windows remain displayed until you click the mouse button again or press any key.