Individual Help Topics

The following guidelines address organizational issues. See the next section, “Formatting and Style,” and the Microsoft Publications Style Guide for general writing style guidelines.

nOptimally, a Help topic is one, and at most two screens long. A Help screen is defined as approximately one half the width of a maximized window and 15–20 lines long.

You can minimize topic length by breaking information into smaller categories, by using multi-column lists of topics, and by creating pop-up and secondary windows for subordinate information.

nAvoid using too many pop-up hot spots on a single screen because they can make the screen hard to read. Each definition should pop up only once, the first time the word appears.

An exception to this may occur in long topics, where an author includes a second definition for users who have scrolled past the first.

nDon’t use jumps in running text that replace the topic in the main Help window. If you must use a jump in running text, use a secondary window so the original topic remains displayed in the main Help window.

Other alternatives to embedding jumps in running text are:

nInclude an embedded text cross-reference and place the jump in the standard location at the end of the topic.

nIf the running text is a procedure, include enough information in the primary procedure for the user to complete the task.